The Super Awesomeness of Simplicity in Exercising for Butt Firming


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butt firming exerciseThere’s nothing more enduring than doing exercises that you just ain’t comfortable doing. They hijack your fitness goals like there’s tomorrow, because you just can’t get the momentum up to get into the swing of things, when you find your routine tedious.

One of the philosophies that I don’t agree is the “no pain – gain” one that’s splattered all over the muscle building arena. If you ain’t feeling the burn, you ain’t gaining results.

That kinda thinking.

In my experience, any strength building workouts I done in my early days, I’ve felt a strain. Not a burn. From the very first lift, there was pain there. In fact, in my very first lifting session, I spent the rest of the week, walking about like a monkey, with my arms so far out, that I felt like a hubba bubba sumo wrestler, because my arms were THAT sore.Wrong

Did it result in bulk? Hell no, because I did it all wrong.

I’d read all the material thinking that to get things the way I wanted, I had to be in pain. That didn’t work out so well.

I went in hard at it, lifting too heavy a resistance, and instead of working my muscles, the only result I got was straining them.

Now bringing it to the point of what that experience has to do with cellulite… it’s about the resistance you use in your exercise.

Simple works best. Exercises you can do, without straining your body.

After doing myself an injury, before I got back on the horse and cart, I switched the resistance to work with only my body weight to get started. Push ups, pull ups, chin ups etc.

The same thing style of training can be used by women to eradicate cellulite.

To get a trimmer butt, hips, thighs and legs, it’s strength training that does that. Packing on some lean muscle to help the body burn the fat.

By saying that, don’t fall prey to the mistakes I made, with muscle building on the upper body. Going in hardcore and killing the muscle before you get a chance to see results.

Resistance training works, for sure, but only when you do it with progression. If your body ain’t used to it, don’t surprise it suddenly.

chair-squatSquats are simple, yet extremely effective for the upper legs, hips, and thighs.

Stretching your hands out in front of you to help maintain balance, then gently lowering your body to a sitting position, but not actually bringing yourself to rest on the chair. The squatting position should be as though as you’re sitting on an imaginary chair.

The slow movements of your upper legs get worked with that one. The same thing can happen when you’re doing lunges. Starting in an upright position, pushing one leg forward while keeping your back straight. Pushing your leg all the way forward, until your knee is reaches the point where it’s in line with your foot. Typically associated with a warm up stretching routine. For banishing cellulite, it’s one of the simplest effective exercises that tone the upper legs, when you do the lunges in sets of 10.

Untitled-1When you see anywhere that to get rid of cellulite you need to be building muscle, don’t take that to mean that you need to use resistance training equipment, pegging the machine to 10KG weights, attempting  leg presses or the likes. You can build muscle, and tone your mid region with workouts that don’t require any resistance equipment at all.

That’s the beauty of simplicity. Minimizing risk, with maximum results.

EZA Killed My Writing with a Single PDF!


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epic_failI am kidding of course. As you’ll see up on the top left there, I’m an author over on From time to time, they try to tell their authors how to write. (See this post) Which is good for me, because untrained writers don’t pay attention to the details, making those trained and experienced able to stand out, pretty much too easy 😉 …

To me – advice from a product manager (Marc) is automatically assumed bias. Untrained authors don’t look past the person they’re reading the advice from. Then he goes and throws in a free sample to a product review article template. Ha, sure it worked fast. I threw a bunch of crap together in 15 minutes, and then it’s ready to go.

(Wanna see how garbage it turned out? It’s published below after the line break)

I say it’s crap, but this is why I don’t use templates, and why I also think the net is tarnished with garnish with no real meat and potatoes of solid information, addressing the needs of readers. Cos proclaimed writers are filling in interactive PDFs from the leaders supposed to be improving authorship.

Before reading on, note that I DID NOT purposely construct this to be crud. It’s just how it is, and always has been anytime I use a template for speed writing. I’ll stick with my usual freestyle from now on.

Pinky Promisepinky promise

Here’s the template based content produced from an EZA article template. (I even threw in the pretty link they give for the awesome title lol)

The Top 3 Cellulite Creams Based on Reviewing User Reviews

By Robbie Bowman

Revitol is the acclaimed cream to cover up cellulite. Sworn by many, saturating the market, and yet plenty of women are scratching their head as to the reason why. Why is it the best, what does it do, will it be expensive, and will it work for me?

Those questions will be answered for you in this review of reviews

How did it work for me?

The short answer is that it didn’t. I don’t use it, never have and never will, because I’ve no reason to use it. I’m a guy who provides information on nutrition, and exercise for eliminating cellulite and as a result, creams get in the way of natural remedies to banish cellulite. That said, I keep an open mind and I do believe there are times when cellulite creams are beneficial for fast reduction, rather than long-term gains.

The beneficial contributions of Revitol

  • Reduces cellulite appearance
  • Does it fast – handy for a night out
  • The fast reduction can be a powerful confidence booster!

The downside to using Revitol Cellulite Cream (or any other)

  • It merely masks the appearance and can become relied upon
  • Requires ongoing coverage for continued results
  • The above leads it to an expense that you could probably do without

From looking past the claims of the brand, and into the perspective of the existing users of Revitol, I’d say it’s one of the leaders in creams for covering up cellulite. It’s main benefit is the confidence aspect.

It’s a cream that’s helping women to stop feeling as though they belong on an episode of embarrassing bodies, and that’s the real problem with cellulite. The number it does on your self-esteem and that’s something Revitol have addressed with this cream.

For a cream that will need continuous use for results, it is expensive. The lowest I’ve seen is 27 bucks, although there are options for free samples, letting you try before you buy. That’s a good enticer to encourage your custom. Other creams that you may want to consider are Nivea, which has just as many positive user reviews, up there alongside Celluvin.

Based on the research into the creams on the market, those are what I’d give as the top three performers.

  1. Revitol
  2. Nivea Goodbye Cellulite
  3. Celluvin

… As enhancers to your other activities to get rid of cellulite. These are cover ups to (in my opinion) lift your self-esteem. You can do that with mood foods too though.

Written by Robbie Bowman

Robbie B is a former ghostwriter to fashion moguls, and cosmetics retailers. He knows what it takes to get rid of cellulite, and shares that information freely at www[dot]

Article Source:

That’s how it’d look when it’s published on EZA, (with the exception of the [dot] as that is the actual URL that goes in there.) But it’s not gonna be. Promise you that.

Why show you all this? 1) Expectations of what you get from that logo on the top left and 2) Cos it’s 15 minutes I took to see if something worked. Turns out I don’t like the 15 minutes fast writing style as I feel that when I look at my authorship on EZA, I have content that no other author has. Switching to the same style as others, would make the content blend into the category. No thanks on that one.

I prefer to tell it as it is, but I’m not gonna be shy, and tell you why I publish on EZA as it’s pretty self serving, but obviously beneficial to readers.

At the end of each page, the site has author tools that I don’t. As an author, and not a coder, this is stuff that I don’t have access to without the assistance of EZA.



  1. Readers can print the content out – Excellent. They must have found it extremely valuable to cover the cost of ink. My egos inflated!
  2. Email it to a friend – Awesome – They’re recommending it as a worthy read. Slap a suit on cos eyeballs are glaring!
  3. Ezine Publisher – This is the jackpot for authors. As a former freelance writer, authorship on other websites usually meant paid placement. Clients would be contacted to provide a guest post, they’d hire me to author it, and then take the credit. Guest posting to other sites is all great for exposure, but to be quite frank, I just ain’t gonna give my time to just any website for exposure, when I can just give it to the one (EZA) which gets plenty of readership, with tools to gain more exposure. It’s called being productive in your authoring schedule. Ezine Publisher does that in a lazy way. I put it there and if anyone wants to use it, click that, copy it, paste it as is, and I don’t have to deal with requests. Sure it’s lazy but it darn well works. I spend my time focusing on readers, and don’t use templates to create more time, reducing quality. (More exposure with no additional effort on my part. Lazyitus! but more readers get the content they might not otherwise have found)
  4. Cite this article – True expert credential. I’ve become a kinda wiki.
  5. Report this article – Never experienced it and hope never to either. (I’d bury my head in a cyber bunker and never publish again)

That’s the why behind the EZA publications, how it can be used by other authors, and on a final note… I don’t believe any of those five author tools would be used if I were to switch to using article templates. Which is why I won’t be using them.

This is the part where I normally post related content but this post is kinda all over the map, so in the interests of usability, just click the previous post, and you’ll land back up top, with links to anything that tickles your fancy.

‘Til next time


Control Your Mood with Body Enhancing Foods


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food and moodFor optimum health, it’s always diet, diet and more freaking diet stuff you hear about. All geared towards people pleasing to get the thin thighs, cellulite free, and a trimmer tummy to boot.

Does that make you happy?

Chances are you’ll be saying no. It doesn’t.

succulent steak on a plateYou have to monitor calorie intake, balance your workouts to ensure your burning more calories than you’re consuming, and probably passing up on a deliciously succulent steak dinner, to swap it out for a potato salad.

Healthy yeah. Fun, hell no. Boring!

And what happens with a boring diet.

That’s where the die in diet comes in. You can’t stick to it, because it hasn’t the variety you’re used to.

yo yo dietThe key to good nutrition is variety. The more the merrier, provided you’re consuming plenty of good fats, versus the bad fats.

There is such a thing.

High carb diet, low carb diet, which one is the best?

So frustratingly confusing, and yet it doesn’t have to be.

You just have to know the right foods to consume.

food mood

Here’s three things to consider for your grocery list, and don’t worry… You don’t need to stock pile on carrot sticks for a snack.

1)      Reduce processed foods, to unrefined foods

In terms of your shopping list, go for whole grain foods. Whole grain bread, pasta and maybe drop in some rice for a tender chicken tikka masala dish.

2)      Stockpile on the fruits and veges

Minerals, phytonutrients, and H20 are your essential elements to boost the amount of serotonin your brain produces. When used in conjuction with whole grains in your diet, you’ll feel fuller for longer, and ditch the comfort eating.

3)      Organic produce

For meat lovers, this one’s a blessing as you can still enjoy that tender steak even on a diet. Just make sure it’s grass fed meat, and not grain fed meat. You’ll get more omega-3 fatty acids from that type of produce.

The only rule of thumb there is to a healthy diet is to drop the bad fats, to increase the amount of good fats. Foods rich in vitamin D, omega-3, vitamin D, as well as complex carbohydrates, can boost your serotonin levels, helping reduce stress, improve your mood, regulate your sleep pattern, and your digestive system.

Go with variety in your foods, and you’ll never get bored of a healthy diet, the same way as you would being dictated to with a diet plan that you’re forbidden to eat any type of food. It’s human nature that whenever we hear not to do something, we crave the things we can’t have. Restrict your off limits foods as much as possible, and shoot for a higher variety. The foods that are supposed to be off limits… just be sure they’re eaten in moderation.

Preparation for the Lifestyle Battle as Thanksgiving Approaches


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thanksgivingFor those of you in the US, you’re only a couple of days away from the start of the annual frenzy that is Thanksgiving day. An annual event that gives way to the hustle, bustle and event planning that leads up to the celebrations of an another year finalised.

That is if you haven’t already started with your preparations anyway. The thing with Thanksgiving is that it’s that milestone marker that once it’s over, it’s straight into the festive season preparation. If you’re super organised, you may already have that out the way. We have. 😉 Shopping all done, and it’s now it’s just the dinner arrangements, and whatever other events turn up to get scheduled into the calendar.

Gift shopping is done though. Go us lol.

For many though, life is just far too hectic to fit everything in, and if you haven’t started, there’s less than a month to get everything done.

This is the time that if you aren’t focused on preparation, you’re already sort of laying the path for your new year’s resolution to jump on a diet.

In the next month, there’ll probably be thousands of women, packing on the pounds, and probably knowing full well that it’s just the busy schedule, and it’ll get sorted out in January, when the busiest time of the year is over, and get back some kind of normality.

If there is such a thing anyway.

Unfortunately, normality for many is to struggle with juggling a platitude of tasks, without a single thought given to “me time.”

me timeThat is what you need to be prepared for. Giving way to the challenges you’re about to have put on your daily activities, to squeeze more tasks into your day, than you’ve ever had to contend with all year round.

Preparation starts from the instant you get up. The time you’re probably focused on everyone else and not yourself. Getting the kids ready for the school run, or getting yourself ready for a day at work. It’s up, washed, dressed, and out the door, for a hectic day, stressing over everything else you need to get done, forever questioning where the heck the time goes.

The time flies by, and while it’s still the same time we have every day, some days we just get more done than others. The days you get more done, are when you’ve planned and prepared for the day ahead.

Planning and preparation are crucial to balancing your life. Whenever I have to get a ton of stuff done, it’s a checklist I use, checking tasks of as I go.

Do you?

Just get it doneI find that as I work down the list, it’s a motivational push to get to that last task and then it’s wind down for the night. For me, there’s nothing quite as gratifying as knowing I got everything done that I planned to do ahead of time. But at the same time, when that list isn’t completed, it’s quite disheartening to say the least, knowing that something’s been “put off ‘til tomorrow.

I know when that happens, it’s usually a downward spiral, unless I get up that bit earlier to see the yesterday tasks completed, before the tasks for the day are started. Otherwise, it’s an ongoing process when something else gets put off ‘til tomorrow.’

The moral of the story is to get into the habit of careful planning. Monitor your time and know your limits. Otherwise, the only guarantee you’ll have is that you won’t get everything done you need done.

On any days task sheet, have you scheduled in:

  • Time for exercise
  • time for meal preparation
  • And time for relaxation

Sleep is the critical component as you do not want to be staying up until crazy hours, leaving you feeling to worn out to fit in any exercise. Exercise gives you the feel good factor, and without that, you can find yourself either comfort eating, or munching on fast food dinners, because you haven’t the time to prepare and cook a healthy meal.

Start planning for the tasks you know you’re going to have to do anyway, and make sure that you have catered to your own needs, as well as everyone else you feel almost obligated to allocate your time to.

‘Til next time and a note in advance to those in the US of A…Happy Thanksgiving (in advance) That’s preparation!


Nutrition: Love it, Loath it, bottom line -You Gotta Eat It!


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NutritionNutrition is one of those mythical subjects where there’s black, white and grey areas. Of all the diets that’s around, there’s not one that’s universally agreed on to be the top of any dieters best nutrition plan for life.

Personally, I don’t see any diet program as a solution to the figure you have. You have what you’re born with, and that’s your brain that allows you to control your body. Your metabolic rate to control the calories you burn and so on.

Sure, there’s plenty of things you can do with nutrition, which lend you more control over your body, but there’s no way you can get the body of your dreams. You can be the same height, and same weight of someone else, but the bodies are regulated at a different rate. That’s why some people can consume 2500 calories a day, while another person is limited to an 1800 cal diet.

It’s not because one has a bigger appetite than the other and must have that amount or they’ll feel starving. It’s just down to the bodies rate of metabolism.

smiley foodThe bottom line is that everyone has to eat. The trick is to throw the diet shenanigans out the window, and switch to a mindset of nutrition control.

To control what you eat, you have to get to know your body. No diet can dictate the amount of calories you cannot go over. That’s when you head into a diet frenzy, feeling hungry, falling off the bandwagon, and forever running on the dieting treadmill.

Your metabolic rate determines the amount of calories need for healthy nutrition. It’s referred to as your base metabolic rate and it’s worked out as:

  • Women – Body weight, multiplied by 10
  • Men – Body weight, multiplied by 11

That’s only the start of establishing a guestimate to the nutrition you need. You then need to factor in:

  • Agemetabolic differences
  • Sex
  • Genetics
  • Exercise
  • The shape of your body

When you have that part down, it’s then onto the label reading. Talk about OMG! These things are more complicated than hieroglyphics.

Do we really need all that information?

Yeah. That’s the most fundamental data you’ll get and it puts a beat down on every diet plan there is out there. The food labelling is the only data you need, to develop your own nutrition plan.

That’s the best diet you can have. One that’s going to fit right into your lifestyle. Where you can pick and choose the foods you eat, without having to stray away from the banned bad foods.

There’s no such thing as a bad food. There is such a thing as good and bad fats though. Eat more healthy fats, cut back on the saturated fats, but do not cut out all fats. You’re body needs some proportion of fat to function properly, so you’re best to control that part of your daily nutritional plan too.

Hold Your Farts for a Firmer Ass


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whoopsHa, this one is funny, but it’s so true. You’ve probably done this a thousand times. I know I’m guilty of it. Going out to a restaurant where the silence is so strenuous, when you just know the second you let rip, you’re going to be the Katy Perry of the crowd with your rear end singing to the tune of “Roar.” (BRILL TUNE!)

I don’t think she quite meant her opening lyrics of “I used bite my tongue and hold my breath” in quite this context though.

But anyway…

When it happens, swing it to your advantage. Work with what you have.

Instead of attracting that unwanted attention, you sit there nodding in agreement to anything, while squeezing your butt cheeks together, then pleasantly excuse yourself and go stink out the bathroom.

That’s actually great for firming and you don’t need to hold your gas to work your ass.

It’s something you can do anytime you’re sitting stationary.

Think about how many times, or length of time you’re sitting during the day.

  • On the sofa watching the soaps
  • desk exercise for butt firmingIn the office
  • Eating out
  • Coffee Breaks
  • The commute to work

All those are times that you could be firming your butt, without working out. Just short butt cheek squeezes, and nobody even knows you’re doing it.

They will know you’re doing something though, cos after a wee while, your butt will firm up, your skin will tighten, and any cellulite on the buttocks will reduce. Sometimes dramatically, depending on what other exercises you’re doing to get rid of it.

It’s actually estimated that doing this ten to fifteen times per car trip, can burn around 10 calories. That’s just the odd squeeze on the tap of the brakes.

Think of the possibilities of doing this frequently throughout the day.

When it comes to butt firming, it’s all about muscle contractions, and fortunately the butt is the easiest to do that with. It’s not like you can do the same to get rid of blemishes on the inner thighs, or the back of your legs. You can massage those, but you can’t squeeze them without using your hands.

Now for the moment of truth…

Hands up, who holds farts for a firmer ass – scroll down for comments!

‘Til next time

Oh and a PS on the subject. Funniest advert for aromas ever

Breaking the Til Death Do Us Part Marriage with Cellulite


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til death do us partTrying to blast cellulite is for many is a lifelong dream. To the extent that it becomes almost like a fairytale, only without the “and they lived happily ever after” ending.

For too long, women of all sizes have their first marriage early in life. When cellulite appears, and there’s nothing that will break the bond between dimpled skin, and the treatment cycles used to hide the relationship.

It’s an embarrassing relationship, and it profoundly affects your self-esteem. You can try cellulite creams, or surgical procedures, but the divorce never comes through.

The cellulite is stuck to you like some crazed lunatic of a cling-on that you woman frustrated picking clothes to cover up cellultitecan’t get rid of, and there’s no restriction orders to keep it at bay.

It’s there for the long haul, and eventually you lose the confidence to get the bikini out, and your left going through life, always looking for a cellulite cover up.

It’s no happy marriage, and it feels like a ‘til death do us part marriage to cellulite.

How’d you like to break that off and get the divorce, so you can go on through life in a happy relationship, where you don’t have to worry about covering dimples?

Course you would and you do that by starting in the kitchen. As sexist as that sounds, it’s not so you can cook dinner for your other half. It’s so that you can prepare and cook meals that actually do work to get rid of cellulite.

woman-cooking-healthy-mealNutrition is half the battle The other half is exercise. Combine your kitchen cupboards with anti cellulite foods, along with a couple of home fitness stuff, like a kettlebell or a strength training resistance band, and you can start to pull at the collagen fibers, strengthen your muscle tissue and iron out those dimples, becoming cellulite free forever.

That is, provided you control your diet and exercise routines. The relationship with cellulite is for life. There’s no way get rid of permanently. The only thing you can do is to control its appearance.

To keep the problem at bay, takes a lifestyle decision. The decision to eat the right foods, and put the effort into doing cardio and strength training regularly.

Regularly is not the same as frequently though, so you don’t have to keep that massage budget on your households financial planner, swapping it for a gym membership. Whatever you budget for, be it massage therapy, essential oils, or acupuncture sessions every so often, you can knock that out, saving you the cash outlay.

cellulite workouts at homeInstead, you can do some simple at home cellulite workouts, to blast the fat from beneath the skin surface. The only thing you should be doing on the surface of the skin is moisturizing. The more hydrated your skin is, the smoother and better glow it radiates.

That natural looking smooth skin is only temporary when cellulite creams are applied. They’re designed to tighten the skin cells, boosting collagen production. But… your nutrition does ten times better.

You are What You Eat!

The better your diet, the better your body functions are.

Break the marriage with cellulite by eating the right foods, and throw in some cardio and strength training, to show cellulite the door.

‘Til next time!

Abdominal Cellulite Assassination


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Abdominal Cellulite AssissinationWhen you’re in hot pursuit of advice to blast cellulite away, there’s a myriad of information to sift through. The problem is that next to nowhere do you find a one dimensional perspective on how to do just that.

Usually the advice has one type of prerogative, and it’s usually focusing on the cellulite treatment the publisher has to offer. From liposuction, to endermologie… by the time you get to the end of the content, well… you realise it’s a pitch, hopefully gone wrong and you’re back at square one.

anti cellulite foodsNot so good times, but thankfully if you’re here as part of your pursuit – I’ve nothing to offer you but ADVICE.

Stuff you can take the belly bank and really assassinate cellulite!

The only thing I will say first is that this is not going to remove cellulite by the morning, or the end of the week for that matter. There’s no natural way to do that, as fast fixes require intervention. Often of a serious nature, if you’re thinking cosmetic surgery. Expect to need a credit card too. This you don’t, but a coupon voucher for your local supermarket will save you a few bob.

That’s the best place to find cellulite treatments. On the shelves of the local supermarket. You just need to know what you’re looking for.

The main goal is to buy foods that boost your blood circulation. Stuff like the following:

1)  Cayenne Pepper

cayenne pepperGrab this as a dried spice or as a fresh pepper. It will boost your metabolic rate, which burns fat faster. It’ll also strengthen your blood vessels and that leads to better circulation. The more regulated your blood circulation is, the less fat is stored, thus preventing cellulite from occurring.


Unsure what to do with it –> The BBC Food section has a range of Cayenne Pepper Recipes

2) Oranges

orangeAs with any fruit, good for winning the fight against cellulite, because their high sources or water content. The reasons oranges are a must though is that they prevent blockages in the bodies capillary walls, which again… strengthens blood circulation.

A simple fruit with no recipes required. Simply peel and eat and you’re good to go.

3) Garlic

garlicC’mon, a bit of garlic breath isn’t the end of the world. It tastes great, and sprinkle a bit of cheese over it goes from great to irresistible.  This one’s a blood cleanser, and brilliant at getting free radicals out your system, improving blood functions, leading to better kidney functions, which in turn causes your body to detox more efficiently. Pushing toxins out your body at a faster rate than any other anti cellulite foods.

Get creative with this one though and think away from just garlic bread. Need inspiration –> all recipes has you covered 

Throw in plenty of the above foods in your next trip to the grocery store, and you’ll be on your way to using three foods to boost your blood circulation, and thus start to blast the cellulite away, good ole assassination style!

Remember to wash all those tasty dishes with water for good hydration, and preferably not a glass of wine. (as tempting as the dish may be). If you’re not a fan of bland tasting water, go with a nice warm cup of green tea and you won’t go wrong.

‘Til next time,

Cellulite is Your Confidence Knocker – Let’s Fix It!


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confident enough to belly danceIf there’s any real problem with cellulite, it’s nothing to do with your health. Sure, if you’ve let the boat really start to sink, and the weight’s piled on, then there probably will be a health issue there. But for the most part, it’s not an issue.

Most women affected by cellulite have it around their summer hotspots. The inner thighs, backs of the legs, the buttocks, and around the abs. It’s dimpled skin and dare I say, it’s not like it’s saggy skin that’s so bad it’s bouncing around your cankles.

That’s what I mean when I say it’s not a health issue. You aren’t obese and at risk of cardiac arrest.

The real problem is how you feel about your appearance. We can talk all day about the fundamental facts about cellulite, what you can and can’t do to get rid of it… but at the end it boils down to one thing.


Time isn’t really on your side when you’re trying to blast cellulite away from any stubborn area. It’s why the cosmetics industry is booming with creams and lotions.

  • Creams solve a long-term problem with a short term fix!

If you’ve ventured down this road and tried stuff like Revitol, or the Nivea Goodbye Cellulite cream, then stop and ask yourself what drove you to turn to that.

The best question you can get an answer to is why you use the cream. Even better is if you used it again. Ask yourself why.

applying cream to look and feel betterIf I were a betting man, I’d wager it all on the fact it made you FEEL better. That’s what we all want. I include myself in that too. The way you look affects how you feel. If you’re going to be going to a theatre, where you want to be in your best dress, you don’t really want to be covering all. You want to show some skin and stand out in the ballroom. Just like I wouldn’t dream of a beach day in a pair of Speedo’s. (Stomach churn – yuk!)

Just like if I were going for an interview, I’d shave away the facial hair, but if I didn’t have a razor to hand, what’s to say that waxing strips are off the cards. If it gets the job done, we’ll use it. That’s the bottom line.

Now the crunch is surrounding what it is you do with cellulite. One of two things can happen, but the end goal is always going to be same.

Beautiful womans Body. In Fist fight vs celluliteTo get rid of it.

Creams can get rid of it temporarily, while lifestyle changes help you with permanent cellulite removal.

The easy way to go is to put a lick of paint on the surface, giving your skin a plump and dimple free appearance. That cream comes off, the problem resurfaces.

Not saying that creams are a bad solution. They’re far from it, because while they do only cover the problem up, you’re going to feel a surge in your self-confidence.

Without feeling confident, you’re going to be limiting your activities. Whether that’s putting off job interviews, or avoiding certain trips, or even trying on clothes on your bout of retail therapy, it’s the emotions stirred up from how you feel about your appearance, that leads to you feeling good about yourself.

When you can raise the confidence bar that high, that’s when you start to see lifelong benefits of increased confidence.

Eventually, you’ll can do this….

cellulite fix for ulitimate confidenceDo you feel confident enough in swimsuits? If not, then stick around and find out how you can.

Stay tuned and drop your comment below

‘Til next time

Hello and Welcome to The Cellulite Blaster



balloons out to say HIHey WordPressers,

This is Robbie here with an all new blog to hit the blogosphere. Ready to rock ‘n’ roll and with awesome stuff for you all. Well, the one’s that want to read the blog anyway.

It’s part of a larger project, where I’m looking to get hooked up with an audience interested in blasting away cellulite, because if you are… you’re going to be feeling the same as myself I’m guessing. Frustrated with all the noise with, from what I’ve seen anyway, nobody there to tell it how it really is.

No pushing beauty therapy sessions, creams, pants, massages, brushes or any of that shenanigans!

Instead, I take the approach of telling it how it really is!

If that’s something you’re up for, to start hearing the tried, tested and true ways, that actually work to “dare I say” reduce the reduce the cellulite appearance and not tell you how you to get rid of it?

That’s the problem I find. So many folks let their ears hear what they want, instead of what they need. Blasting cellulite away from any problem area doesn’t happen overnight, nor does it come easily. It can be done naturally, and that’s what this blog is here for.

To share with you all the best tips I can that will help blast cellulite away, without the expensive treatments.

Let’s get this thing rolling.